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Friday, September 18, 2015
10:31:00 PM
So happy to have made in through the 5th week of school. I am beginning to get a grasp of the Kindergarten/First Grade combination class. 3 days a week I am using Daily 5 to help me with small group interactions for Language Arts. 2 days a week I am using the B.U.I.L.D. model for mathematics. I have these groups by ability, which is great because the Kindergarten and First Graders are mixed together during these times. It allows me to differentiate instruction.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Rekenreks for Math Lessons
7:37:00 PM
I am so excited to use these during mathematics. I used Biggie Beads from a craft store. To practice facts to 10 I used 10 beads on tongue depressors. I was able to punch the holes with a hole puncher. Next I made a set of Rekenreks for facts to 20. I used paint stir sticks from Home Depot. The wood was thicker than the tongue depressors, so I used a drill with a small bit. The pipe cleaners went through easily.

Sunday, August 16, 2015
Jumpin' Jenga!
9:18:00 PM
I found 2 sets of Jenga at our neighborhood garage sale. I am so excited to add these games to my Daily 5 Word Work. I just wrote sight words on the sides of the blocks with a Sharpie. Students have to be able to read the word before they may pull the block out. I popped the blocks into cheap plastic boxes so they would hold up nicely.

Minion Math Books
9:14:00 PM
I wanted to make little math books for my students. They will use them for interactive math activities, number of the day, a place for their vocabulary cards, etc. First I took the composition books to a local lumber yard. They cut them in half for me for free. I added some yellow duct tape and the Minion masks (found at the Dollar Tree or Party City). Next I drew a smile and colored in the eyes. Finally I taped the mask in place, I covered the mask with clear packing tape.
Ready to Go!

Thursday, August 13, 2015
1:28:00 AM
It is time for a new adventure! With the help of 9 family members and friends, I was able to get all of my belongings moved from my classroom of 5 years to my new room. I am so thankful for the 3 1/2 hours that they all spent with me on a Saturday morning moving all my belongings. My husband has now given me the title of "Teacher Hoarder". What he doesn't know is that this is just my first grade collection of things. I have already given away all of my 2nd, 4th, and 5th grade materials. My 26th year of teaching is going to be a fantastic one.

Friday, July 10, 2015
1:54:00 AM
I Teach First Grade Conference
Just returned from the SDE I Teach First Grade Conference in Las Vegas. Had an amazing time meeting people, learning, creating, and getting inspired. Here goes the next chapter in my teaching!
I met and learned from so many amazing bloggers, such as the fabulous Mrs. Deanna Jump!
Todd Parr, the children's author was an excellent Key Note Speaker!
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Hi! I am Gena Wolfson. I have been teaching for 29 years! I have taught many grades, but first grade is where my heart sings! I am a happy wife, proud mother to Sara and Jack, scrapbooker, gardener, Disney lover and Southern California Native.