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My Classroom
1:55:00 AM
This was my classroom 3 years ago. Will update sometime....
I moved classrooms on Saturday, August 1st with the help of nine family members and friends. We physically moved all of my treasures that I have been collecting for 25 years. I am so grateful that all these amazing people helped for 3 1/2 hours. Then I spent a week figuring out where everything should go. What a job!
BEFORE...Here is my room prior to me moving in.
DURING...the move is really happening!
DURING...my husband states that I am a "teacher hoarder" and that he never knew the extent.
AFTER...Over view of my room. Round tables for Kinder and desks for First Graders!
My Sweet Library...we are "wild" about books. I have a cheetah rug and zebra pillows.
Interactive white board! Changed my way of teaching forever!
I moved classrooms on Saturday, August 1st with the help of nine family members and friends. We physically moved all of my treasures that I have been collecting for 25 years. I am so grateful that all these amazing people helped for 3 1/2 hours. Then I spent a week figuring out where everything should go. What a job!
BEFORE...Here is my room prior to me moving in.
DURING...the move is really happening!
DURING...my husband states that I am a "teacher hoarder" and that he never knew the extent.
My Sweet Library...we are "wild" about books. I have a cheetah rug and zebra pillows.
Interactive white board! Changed my way of teaching forever!
AFTER...I got rid of my desk and will work from my kidney table in small groups. Dry Erase spots are from Bed, Bath, and Beyond (online) and the stools are from Ikea. They fit so much nicer that regular chairs.
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Hi! I am Gena Wolfson. I have been teaching for 29 years! I have taught many grades, but first grade is where my heart sings! I am a happy wife, proud mother to Sara and Jack, scrapbooker, gardener, Disney lover and Southern California Native.
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